
Convertitore Adattatore da PLCC28 a DIP24 compatibile Programmatori TL866Convertitore Adattatore da PLCC28 a DIP24 compatibile Programmatori TL866
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3 Pezzi 16P locking seat, IC Block, 16PIC test seat, 16P live seat, chip base, IC socket3 Pezzi 16P locking seat, IC Block, 16PIC test seat, 16P live seat, chip base, IC socket
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3MM black silver plated 40P locking Block, 40P live seat, 40PIC test seat, universal test blocks, IC Test Socket3MM black silver plated 40P locking Block, 40P live seat, 40PIC test seat, universal test blocks, IC Test Socket
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3MM40P gold-plated locking seat 40P locking IC Block, 40PIC Test Block3MM40P gold-plated locking seat 40P locking IC Block, 40PIC Test Block
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40P 3MM universal locking, 40P locking seat, universal locking seat, 40PIC test seat, wide and narrow available40P 3MM universal locking, 40P locking seat, universal locking seat, 40PIC test seat, wide and narrow available
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nine axis freedom degree IMU Sensore ITG3200/ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085 Modulo ultra-piccolo (ITG3205 + the ADXL345 + HMC5nine axis freedom degree IMU Sensore ITG3200/ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085 Modulo ultra-piccolo (ITG3205 + the ADXL345 + HMC5
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HC-06 BluetoothHC-06 Bluetooth
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Modulo Bluetooth HC-05 Master Slave Ricetrasmettitore Seriale per ArduinoModulo Bluetooth HC-05 Master Slave Ricetrasmettitore Seriale per Arduino
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PL2303 Adattatore Convertitore da USB a TTL Seriale Programmatore con microcontrollore STCPL2303 Adattatore Convertitore da USB a TTL Seriale Programmatore con microcontrollore STC
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4 Pezzi Not self-locking Pulsante, doorbell Pulsante, diameter 10MM Pulsante4 Pezzi Not self-locking Pulsante, doorbell Pulsante, diameter 10MM Pulsante
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LM2587 high-power Modulo, terminal block DC-DC step-up Modulo, super lm2577 (peak 5A)LM2587 high-power Modulo, terminal block DC-DC step-up Modulo, super lm2577 (peak 5A)
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DC-DC Car Laptop Power,10-32V turn Regolabile from 12-35V Boost Modulo, 150WDC-DC Car Laptop Power,10-32V turn Regolabile from 12-35V Boost Modulo, 150W
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Dedicated Cavo of 140 boxes for Breadboard, breadboard Cavo, breadboard jumperDedicated Cavo of 140 boxes for Breadboard, breadboard Cavo, breadboard jumper
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Alimentatore Universale EU 9V 1A 2 PIN AC-DC MV12-Y090100-C5 I.T.E.Alimentatore Universale EU 9V 1A 2 PIN AC-DC MV12-Y090100-C5 I.T.E.
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5V 2A Power for Raspberry PI5V 2A Power for Raspberry PI
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MPU-6050 Modulo the triaxial Digitale Giroscopio 6DOF ModuloMPU-6050 Modulo the triaxial Digitale Giroscopio 6DOF Modulo
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PL2303HX USB to TTL rs232 USB to Porta SerialePL2303HX USB to TTL rs232 USB to Porta Seriale
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The USB TO TTL/RS485 dual function dual protectionThe USB TO TTL/RS485 dual function dual protection
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USB-to-TTL, support 3.3V 5V dual power, FT232RL Arduino FTDI MWC debuggerUSB-to-TTL, support 3.3V 5V dual power, FT232RL Arduino FTDI MWC debugger
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Xbee USB explorerXbee USB explorer
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Sensore Corrente SCT 013-030Sensore Corrente SCT 013-030
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PoE Injector / PoE Power AdattatorePoE Injector / PoE Power Adattatore
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4 Pezzi Blank Thin Card RFID 13.56MHz4 Pezzi Blank Thin Card RFID 13.56MHz
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Mifare RC522 Lettore antenna | RF Modulo | RFID |Mifare RC522 Lettore antenna | RF Modulo | RFID |
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Double Sided Glass Fiber Prototyping PCB Universal Board 9X15Double Sided Glass Fiber Prototyping PCB Universal Board 9X15
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80*120mm Double-Side Prototipo Board PCB, FR-4 Glass Fiber board 12x880*120mm Double-Side Prototipo Board PCB, FR-4 Glass Fiber board 12x8
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Xbee pro shieldXbee pro shield
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Arduino Nano Uno Prototipo ShieldArduino Nano Uno Prototipo Shield
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servo MG995, biped robot manipulator, Controllo Remoto cars, 55G copper metal gear servosservo MG995, biped robot manipulator, Controllo Remoto cars, 55G copper metal gear servos
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Modulo qualità aria (odore) sensore AQM 300E per ArduinoModulo qualità aria (odore) sensore AQM 300E per Arduino
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1W LED drive, 350mA PWM dimming input 5-35V DC-DC step-down constant current Modulo1W LED drive, 350mA PWM dimming input 5-35V DC-DC step-down constant current Modulo
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Vibrazione trigger delay circuit, Delay Modulo, precise time, can be accessed by a variety of Sensore to triggerVibrazione trigger delay circuit, Delay Modulo, precise time, can be accessed by a variety of Sensore to trigger
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CH375 Modulo lettura scrittura USB FAT16 FAT32 per ArduinoCH375 Modulo lettura scrittura USB FAT16 FAT32 per Arduino
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Frequenza and PWM signal output can be adjusted ModuloFrequenza and PWM signal output can be adjusted Modulo
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WTV020-SD Voce Modulo, Scheda SD Voce Modulo, consoles Voce ModuloWTV020-SD Voce Modulo, Scheda SD Voce Modulo, consoles Voce Modulo
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VS1003 MP3 Modulo, onboard MicrofonoVS1003 MP3 Modulo, onboard Microfono
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The Infrarossi Digitale Evitamento Ostacolo Sensore ultra-piccolo 3-100cm Regolabile current 6maThe Infrarossi Digitale Evitamento Ostacolo Sensore ultra-piccolo 3-100cm Regolabile current 6ma
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MQ-7 CO Sensore Modulo, gas SensoreMQ-7 CO Sensore Modulo, gas Sensore
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MQ-3 alcohol Sensore ModuloMQ-3 alcohol Sensore Modulo
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Modulo con Sensore di prossimità ottico riflettente infrarosso TCRT5000 per Arduino 950mm 5V 3AModulo con Sensore di prossimità ottico riflettente infrarosso TCRT5000 per Arduino 950mm 5V 3A
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4-way Infrarossi tracking Modulo patrol lineEvitamento Ostacolo car robot Sensore arduino compatibile4-way Infrarossi tracking Modulo patrol lineEvitamento Ostacolo car robot Sensore arduino compatibile
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Modulo riconoscimento colore Sensore YS TCS3200 per Arduino versione migliorataModulo riconoscimento colore Sensore YS TCS3200 per Arduino versione migliorata
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TCS230 TCS3200 color Sensore, color recognition Modulo, color sensing ModuloTCS230 TCS3200 color Sensore, color recognition Modulo, color sensing Modulo
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ADXL345 Modulo, triaxial Digitale Modulo of the inclination angle, gravity angle SensoreADXL345 Modulo, triaxial Digitale Modulo of the inclination angle, gravity angle Sensore
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MMA7455 Accelerometro 3 Assi Sensore Modulo Digitale accelerometer moduleMMA7455 Accelerometro 3 Assi Sensore Modulo Digitale accelerometer module
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ADXL345 IIC, SPI Digitale tilt Sensore, acceleration ModuloADXL345 IIC, SPI Digitale tilt Sensore, acceleration Modulo
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Digitale light intensity, the illumination Sensore BH1750FVI Modulo, Arduino Modulo codeDigitale light intensity, the illumination Sensore BH1750FVI Modulo, Arduino Modulo code
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